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10 Lessons Small Business Owners Can Learn from Cats

Here at WorkflowMax, we firmly believe that the animals we co-habitate with (be they cats, dogs, goldfish, or unkempt flatmates) can teach us important lessons about life. Cats, by their nature, are clever, discerning, and always able to land on their feet - they are born to be consummate business leaders. And so, when we look for lessons to learn in business, we look first to the cat.

Here are ten important business lessons we can learn from our feline friends.

1. You Can’t Control Everything

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Image from FunnyPictures.

Sometimes you just have to let go, and trust that everything is going to work out OK. After all, no matter how bad things get, eventually you will land on your feet.

2. Having the Right Team Behind You Is Vital to Your Success


Image from Best Cat Pictures

You can’t do everything on your own. Empower your team to reach for the stars.

3. Money Isn’t the Only Measure of Success

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Image from Buzzfeed.

Don’t measure your success on this earth in material possessions and cash in the bank (even though it does help). Think about what else defines success to you - is it a job well done? Is it creating an enjoyable office culture? Is it helping young, enthusiastic entrepreneurs get their start?

4. You Can Always Learn from Failure

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Image from Buzzfeed.

Even when things don’t go our way, there are lessons we can learn that we can continue to apply to our business.  Look back at the times when things went wrong - what lessons can you apply going forward?

5. Look after yourself, or you can’t look after the business

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Image from The Dodo.

This means getting enough sleep, spending time with family and friends, staying healthy, and laughing deep and heartily every now and then.

6. Find a gap in the market, and fill it

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Image from Best Cat Pictures

Whether you’re selling products or services, there are always going to be competitors in your marketplace. Your job is to hunt out the need they aren’t filling, and position your company in that gap. That’s where your people are.

7. If You Need to Get Shit Done, Unplug Yourself

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Image from Buzzfeed.
Or, alternatively, just fall asleep on top of your phone.

The internet and phone calls can be a huge, unwelcome distraction when you’ve got something urgent due. Unplug and focus on one important activity at a time.

8. Keep Plowing Ahead

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Image from Best Cat Pictures

Grit and determination will win the day. Remember, the only people that have truly failed in life are the people who said, “I quit” when things got tough.

9. Sometimes, You Need to Break All the Rules

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Image from Best Cat Pictures

The bravest, most successful business owners are the ones who fly in the face of convention and forge their own path.

10. No Matter How Awesome You Are, You Still Have to Do the Paperwork

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Image from Buzzfeed.

Urgh, if your desk looks anything like like mine used to, it’s a pile of stuff to be filed and filled in. Not a great way to spend the weekends. However, now I do everything on the cloud - no paper, no double-entry, and everything I need is at my fingertips when I want it.

Want more articles on how cats can help you succeed in business? Check out 11 Project Management Tips You Can Learn from Cats, and 7 Marketing Lessons Business Owners Can Learn from Grumpy Cat.

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Steff Green
Steff Green is one of WorkflowMax's resident wordsmiths, writing everything from website pages to blog posts, ebooks, emails and everything in between. Steff is also an award-winning author, with several fantasy novels available on Amazon. When she’s not writing up a storm, Steff lives on a lifestyle block with her musician husband, two cantankerous cats, several sheep and chickens and her medieval sword collection.

Steff Green